15-Jul 2019 | Blog
Not transformed subconscious basic internal conflict and the accompanying self-realization conflict shift the feeling of one’s homeostasis from the equilibrium position between suffering and bliss to the area of suffering.
A person who has not transformed his subconscious basic internal conflict and the accompanying self-realization conflict, thereby shifted, by the active influence of these subconscious conflicts, the feeling of one’s homeostasis from the equilibrium position between suffering and bliss to the area of suffering. This is how the mechanism called "depression" works.
To solve the problem of depression in the root, not in the consequences, – this means to remove the heat of suffering not temporarily with the help of drugs, but permanently, shifting the feeling of one's homeostasis from the area of suffering. First to an equilibrium position and then to a happiness position. This can be done by mastering Adequate Self-Regulation. Because in its step-by-step mastering, the practitioner first transforms the subconscious basic and self-actualizing conflicts, and then finally fixes this transformation by experiencing the corresponding context —a new, expanded world view. In general, this procedural algorithm is the strengthening of consciousness and its transition to a new, higher level. So, depression is naturally replaced by stress tolerance and psycho-emotional stability, with the simultaneous discovery of new positive properties, qualities and abilities (higher creativity, intuition and intelligence).
Based on the above, people prone to depression are a kind of jet set, who are naturally ready to transition to a new, higher level of consciousness, but who have not found a way to make this transition. People prone to depression is a jet set because everyone suffers from unresolved subconscious conflicts, but few are experiencing it so badly. Adequate Self-regulation helps them to get rid of suffering.
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