22-Jul 2019 | Blog
We live in a time of change. Changes cannot be undone, they can be only adapted. Those, who have not adapted are doomed to suffering. There is a way to adapt to change. This is "Adequate Self-Regulation". Step by step mastering this scientifically-revolutionary technology, you transfer your consciousness to a new, evolutionarily given higher level. You will gain a shrewd understanding, energy, constant background experience of joyful mood and optimism. This ensures your adequacy and success in any situation of change.
To make sure it works for you, you can try to master the first step-lesson for free. It is a way to increase consciousness. The criterion of achievement is the sensation of bodily joy. How to achieve is in the instructions for Step 1 on humanpathway.com. This is the basis. Masters of the Adequate Self-regulation will be fully armed to meet any challenges of change.
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