Social life is the constant formulation and solution of various specific tasks within the limits of time and circumstances. Personality degrades when it executes decisions on a template and grows and develops when it is in search of better solutions. Thus, the search for the best solution is the beginning of the path to personal development. The search is preceded by shuffling of options, of the views of the problem. And then - finding the optimal angle, developing a solution.
This way of solving the problem requires the transformation of the personality itself and its going beyond the boundaries of its own worldview. Then, under the influence of necessity, attention reanimates the channel of sensations of multidimensional reality (the sixth sense) closed from early childhood, and the individual finds a point of view on the solution of a particular problem from the position of higher dimension. This means the appearance of the state of the vision of the problem solution, not only entirely and immediately (intuition), but a vision of the prospect of solving any problems in this direction, and even a possible entrance to a new, higher constructive level of vision. In other systems of thoughts, the latter is called awakening or enlightenment. Previously, such states arose in people in a spontaneous way.
Because for attachment to a new, higher, level, we need a constant working out of experience in sensing the very multidimensional reality and using these results in our visible 3-dimensional world. Both the progress of mankind and the personal growth of a single human were based on these rare individual breakthroughs of people. There was no holistic and integral methodology for this. Now, for the first time in history, an algorithm for such a growth of personality has been found - further development of awareness. Its mastering is available to everyone. This methodology was called "Adequate Self-Regulation".
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