The bio-hologram and its functional departments - prenatal and causative consciousnesses - are not perceived visually. Nevertheless, the results of interdisciplinary studies allow to model the processes in the space of causative consciousness and to correlate them with the child's development. The model of the stages of cognition formation provides an opportunity for further understanding of the human psyche, techniques that enhance the functional capabilities of man, the forecast of various events. And even see the ways of development of artificial intelligence.
After birth, sensory information about the physical world with an uncontrollable flow fills the infant's prenatal and causative consciousnesses. Under this pressure, in the space of causative consciousness, they build an absolutely accurate holographic copy of the physical world with an absolutely identical time of occurring changes.
The very process of this "construction" also lays the foundations of a cognition mechanism that begins to function fully from the moment of creating a holographic copy of the world - a picture of the world. Further, the mechanism works non-stop, according to the constant cyclical repetition of the algorithm.
A Single Cycle of the Cognition Algorithm
1) Sensory information about the physical world (the image of the world) falls into the space of causative consciousness. There, the perceived signal is processed properly.
2) Through the biological feedback of bio-hologram and with the help of the bio-holographic genome, the perceived signal is translated into the somatic genome. The latter reacts with bodily experience, changing body biochemistry, including the brain cells - neurons.
3) Neurons are activated, and this activation extends to entire groups of neurons - neural networks.
4) Neural networks translate information about bodily experience into causative consciousness.
5) Causative consciousness supplements the original perceived signal (image of the world) with the body biochemical reaction of the somatic genome to the same signal and assesses this new joint signal. As a result, an integral bodily-experienced information block is instantly formed, which, like a puzzle, is immediately inserted into a constantly updated picture of the world, which changes and is complemented as a result of this action. Thus, the mechanism of cognition is an uninterrupted repetition of single cycles of cognition. Where each subsequent cycle of cognizing is assessed by causative consciousness from the point of view of the previous cycle and added picture of the world. This is how the mechanism of cognition develops.
The first stage of its development is called "the formation of the landscape of things". It forms the object pole (the perceived world) of the future standard human perception.
Further, the cognition algorithm does not undergo significant changes but is only supplemented with new components. The first addition: to the perceived signal (the perceived world) of each individual cycle of the cognition algorithm, a “sense of the world” summed up and highlighted by causative consciousness is added. This information passes the standard way of information processing: causative consciousness - perceived signal - biological feedback - the somatic genome - neural networks - causative consciousness. Under the influence of the sensation of the world, causative consciousness separates out from itself two new divisions - current mindfulness and "self-feeling".
The "feeling of oneself" becomes a subjective pole (the "I" and its attention) of the standard human perception. From this point on and further, the “feeling of self” perceives, together with causative consciousness, every bodily-experienced information cycle. It is constantly estimated by current mindfulness. Every next moment this estimation changes the whole picture of the world, transforming it into a world view. This is how the standard human understanding and perception is formed, all the events of which are recorded in the memory of current mindfulness. Basic programs: perception, consciousness, understanding are formed by the incessant repetition of these cycles. As the mechanism of understanding becomes established, the process of their deeper integration into more and more capacious information cycles occurs. These processes of formation and complication of the cognition mechanism occur within causative consciousness with light speed. These processes are invisible, because they take place in the space of higher dimensions, but their result gives the child the basis of the waking state - the feeling of being as a body in the visible three-dimensional objective world. It is desirable to know the process of formation of the mechanism of cognition, at least in order to have an idea of how the Adequate Self-regulation works. However, it will be further about it.
The second stage of the cognition mechanism development is the mastery of the mother tongue. Native speech mastering is the appropriation of articulated sound correspondence to each object, desire, action, i.e. giving them names.
Native speech mastering within the framework of subject-object relations ("I" cognizes "the World") is called "the formation of the object-semantic landscape".
Moreover, on the basis of the object-semantic landscape, there is a division of the world view into the Object (the world) and the Subject ("I" and its attention). Attention is the mobile part of the "I". This is the developed program for managing of current mindfulness - the ability to select from the whole volume of the current perception some of its parts, fragments, and to focus, to learn, to cognize them. The object-semantic landscape serves to attention as an instrument of recognition. The causative consciousness rules attention, creating in the "I" an illusion feeling that "I" is the master of the world perception, the current mindfulness, the physical body. The “I” knows nothing about the bio -hologram, nor about the prenatal, nor about the causative consciousness.
By fixing this experience, there begins the third stage of the development of the cognition mechanism - the stage of working out the conditioned reflexes, where a new component - understanding- is added to the algorithm of the cognitive mechanism. On the third stage of the formation of the cognition mechanism, understanding is a process of "inserting a puzzle"; the attention inserts a group of information blocks into the world view. And the infinite (in waking) process of summation and grouping of single cycles of cognition algorithms is what is called current mindfulness. These are "internal" definitions of the very mechanism of consciousness (quantum dimension, the light speed of processes).
The "external" definition (macro level, 0.3-0.4 seconds physiological perception rate): mindfulness is the ability to instantly estimate yourself as a body in the world. Understanding is the ability to match the current estimation made by consciousness with your target activities in the context of the relevant picture of the world. Before that, all actions and behavior of the child were governed by unconditional (congenital) reflexes. Understanding changes everything. The child receives a powerful tool for gaining knowledge, skills and abilities that he can use consciously - adequately the situation and time.
At this new level of perception - a holistic level of perception of self and the world, the child's understanding is a tool for constructing a cause-effect chain that links the desired and the way to achieve it. This is the basis of future thinking. The social environment establishes the rules and limits of this achievement. In the form of words, subject to prolonged repetition, these rules and limits are added into every single cycle of the cognition algorithm, forming the necessary conditioned reflexes at the output, adapting the child to adulthood.
So, the single act of perception-understanding consists of: 1) an object or attitude highlighted by attention from the image of the world (form); 2) the articulatory-sound correspondence for this the image of this particular (meaning); 3) holistic joint emotional experience of the image and form. This is a thought - the triple structural content of the word, which corresponds to the coordinates of our three-dimensional objective world. A thought is a body-experienced informational unit of a group of cyclically repeated algorithms of consciousness, that is, it is a single unit of understanding. Each thought is a single whole structure, which has three sides open to interaction with other thoughts: 1) the form (image); 2) the meaning; 3) their emotional sensation. Each thought interfaces with other thoughts in three ways, forming three types of thinking: 1) figurative-associative; 2) the sense-associative (intellectual-semantic); 3) emotionally-associative. There is also the 4th type of thinking - mixed, where all three of the abovementioned types are present in various proportions. All of them are capable of forming cause-effect chains, linked by the logic of these types of thinking. These links serve as a kind of building forests that connect the perceived image and its understanding in a holistic worldview, being the forerunner of thinking. Thinking is a stream of thoughts in the context of a certain worldview.
New understanding always enriches the world view. This is always accompanied by a positive experience - the pleasure and joy of cognition. Knowledge - this is the cognized, fixed in the memory of causative consciousness. Here the consciousness is the knowledge of what is happening and the knowledge of the adequacy of one's actions.
Conditioned reflexes are worked out by jointly repeated word (conditioned stimulus) and unconditioned stimulus. Their joint repetition gives a habit that, integrating with a variety of other habits, forms stereotypes of behavior, thinking, and emotionality. In some moment, the "I" decides that his worldview is sufficient to solve any life problems. This leads to a fixation of the point of view on the world, narrows the worldview foreshortening, switches current mindfulness into an automatic mode of operation without cognizing. This can happen at any age.
The mechanism of cognition begins to "slip". Man, performing outwardly all the signs of conscious behavior, begins to exist more and more in the mode of total automatism. Development of consciousness and mindfulness stops, which leads to a radical stopping of the cognition mechanism. The genome's response is unambiguous - turning on a destruction mode, which ultimately comes to stagnation, degradation and death of the organism. And therefore, most people are deprived of the opportunity to realize their evolutionary predetermination - development of mindfulness and consciousness.
Nevertheless, now, for the first time in history, everyone has the opportunity to further develop personal mindfulness, which was previously considered simply impossible.
The possibility lies in the fact that when using the methodology of the Adequate Self-regulation, the cognitive mechanism is activated and transferred to the next, fourth stage of its development. At this stage, to the perceived signal (perceived world) of each individual cycle of the cognition algorithm there added the guiding text words, pronounced in a special state of controlled inspiration (in increased mindfulness). Increased mindfulness is the integration of prenatal and causative consciousness. Words pronounced in this state and a series of visualized corresponding images are immediately converted into a program. This is a special message to the genome. The genome reacts with such bodily biochemical changes that they trigger a mode of the further evolutionary development of the very awareness itself. And the further experience of the all-inclusive context of the personal experience of participation in the formation of the universe (the 5th step of the Adequate Self-regulation) affirms this orientation of the development of mindfulness. An all-inclusive worldview and understanding are worked out. And, as a result, new abilities of understanding, creativity, intuition. Unlimited opportunities for realization in all spheres of human activity are opened.
All of the above is a model of the human psyche. And for the first time, the revealed possibility of the further evolutionary development of mindfulness is the goal and meaning of the life of each person.
Development of Mindfulness
To develop mindfulness is to strengthen the current mindfulness for looking at our visible 3-dimensional objective world from the position of multidimensional reality - from the integral position of the whole universe. Then the space of perception becomes a space of wordless knowledge and is experienced as the space of all-inclusive unity - happiness. Such a state in various systems of thought is called enlightenment or awakening, or epiphany. Having passed this state of enlightenment, we can conceptually supplement the current perception from the standpoint of this experience:
1) to see the need to work out a personal energy-space-semantic landscape as a universal language of the universe;
2) to see your own predetermination as a way of constant increase of happiness and use it as a universal criterion of choice in your life;
3) to see and to use the universal way to achieve each goal, determined by your own predetermination;
4) to enter a new, higher level of mindfulness and consciousness.
Now released the public methodology of mindfulness increasing and its further and its further incessant development. It is called "Adequate Self-Regulation" (the ASR). It is productive, fast and adequate to our modern conditions. All the previously existing methods of self-development, one way or another, were based either on the placebo effect (compelled faith) or on the effect of a long-term fixation of attention (concentration of attention), requiring enormous expenditures of personal time.
For example, the perennial yogic practice of the discipline of attention management is identical (in terms of its effect on the genome) to much more rapid practice of controlled inspiration in the Adequate Self-regulation. The basis for this is the genome functioning, which, in response to the Adequate Self-Regulation meditation, alters the body's biochemistry in such a way that practitioners have a state of a new level of mindfulness. Not only is the AS a yoga of our time, but for the first time, it contributes to the man's entry on the evolutionary path of development.
Deep Learning of Human
Further development of mindfulness is available to everyone by mastering the 6 steps of Adequate Self-Regulation. This development reveals the possibilities of creative self-realization, laying the preconditions for total success in any activity. Because developed consciousness is the universal power of control of the universe, and the AS is a way of mastering this power.
Human Nonlinear
The biological and psychological beginning of human interact with each other in a non-linear way. Both they are the complex hierarchical nonlinear systems that embody the multidimensional structure of the universe. Man is the projection of multidimensionality into 3-dimensionality.
Our visible objective 3-dimensional world, in which the biological organism is located, obeys the laws of this 3-dimensional world, with its speed of current changes. Bio-hologram, prenatal consciousness, causative consciousness, current mindfulness, understanding, "I", attention, cognition, knowledge, etc. - all that is called the psyche - obey the laws of multidimensionality, with its standard light speed of current changes. The bio-hologram (multidimensionality) temporarily connected with the biology of the body (3-dimensionality) takes the form of 3-dimensionality. So, within itself, causative consciousness together with prenatal consciousness begin to build a holographic copy of the visible objective 3-dimensional world and the "I" - the basis of the personality, living and cognizing the world as a physical body in the physical world. This understanding can serve as a reliable basis for any objective knowledge of the world and man.
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